Best in Class Ceiling Solutions
Designing for resiliency means selecting the best in class building solutions for your institution. Students and professors, surrounded by the best indoor environmental quality (IEQ), equates to higher performance and overall well-being.
Browse the projects and products below to find the ideal ceiling solutions that bring beautiful aesthetics, TOTAL ACOUSTICS performance, integrated lighting, and sustainable attributes together.
Healthy & Sustainable Certification Goals?

Find A Healthy Solution
Support an Effective Learning Environment
Design for resiliency in higher education facilities. Armstrong offers numerous ceiling and wall solutions that contribute to an enhanced learning environment and improved indoor environmental quality (IEQ). Great acoustics, ideal lighting, and air cleaning are just a few of the many product benefits.
Browse dozens of healthy building solutions by room and construction challenge.

Case Study

The Campus Instructional Facility at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a five-story building featuring a geothermal energy system, windows with smart glass technology to control incoming light, and METALWORKS Radiant – AIRTITE ceiling panels from Armstrong Ceiling & Wall Solutions, to help heat and cool the building.
Project: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Location: Champaign, IL
Highlighted Solutions
University of Alabama Locker Room
The concept called for a metal ceiling, perforated with the Alabama Script A logo and random trails of additional perforations with diffused lighting from a series of LED light boxes behind the ceiling, accentuating the logo.