Reduce Waste and Enhance Project Efficiencies
Your efficient use of materials benefits the environment and your bottom line. As the impact of construction waste and material costs increase, there are ways PROJECTWORKS can support your project sustainability goals and help you save material and cost at the jobsite!
Panel Optimization
Material Optimization
Reduce material at the jobsite based on realistic scrap reusability!
PROJECTWORKS can help optimize your panel layouts to reduce material and cost. We complete this by using a Panel Optimization Tool that analyzes scrap from cut perimeter panels and determines if the scrap can be reused in other perimeter locations.
To help ensure sustainability at the construction level, a full panel optimization report can be generated with the optimized panel quantities.
Panel Optimization can be performed on all standard Armstrong panel materials, including mineral fiber, fiberglass, metal, wood and wood fiber. The tool also considers panel edge details and directionality.
Size Optimization
Reduce project scrap by optimizing perimeter panel sizes!
PROJECTWORKS can also help enhance sustainable design practices by optimizing the size of standard panels around the permitter of a layout. For instance, if larger standard panels are specified for a project, smaller standard panels can be applied to the perimeter edge to generate less scrap.
In complex ceiling layouts involving curved or diagonal walls and cutouts, panel size and material optimization practices can be used together to maximize optimization results, reducing unnecessary panel quantities and scrap.
AXIOM Trim Optimization
Reduce material waste with design-to-manufacturing efficiencies for AXIOM perimeter trim.
Since AXIOM perimeter trim can be prefabricated based on job specific conditions, ProjectWorks can optimize manufacturing trim schedules by determining the most efficient cut order that yields the least amount of scrap possible.
PROJECTWORKS can also help optimize Axiom splice locations by positioning splices to use the most amount of material based on stock lengths of Axiom trim. This includes combining straight and curved pieces of trim, reducing the number of splices applied to floating clouds. This is not only sustainable, but provides an enhanced visual, especially around curved perimeters. Further, it helps speed up construction time due to less segments of trim needing to be installed.
In both AXIOM trim optimization cases, the manufacturing plant will receive a detailed trim schedule, showing the exact length, radius, and miter of every single trim piece in a project. Then, the pre-cut trim pieces are properly labeled and shipped to the jobsite. This means no additional scrap is generated during construction.
We Can Help!
Let PROJECTWORKS help you reduce project waste and enhance project efficiencies!