SINCERUS Linear UV Air Purification System

The SINCERUS Linear UV Air Purification System combines filtration and UV-C technology to achieve cleaner air, improve indoor air quality, and deliver a seamless ceiling design aesthetic.

Key Features & Performance

  • Neutralizes 99.9% of allergens, viruses, and bacteria in the air
  • Treats 100 cu.ft/min or 6,000 cu.ft/hr
  • Self-contained UV-C chamber hidden in the ceiling plenum for safe use in occupied spaces
  • Linear design seamlessly integrates with popular Armstrong ceilings and suspension system finishes
  • 6” x 8’ Linear design provides flexibility for installation methods such as linear Technical Zone, on-center, offset or Drywall/ACOUSTIBUILT applications
  • Easy to incorporate in new or retrofit in existing spaces, with no HVAC system integration required
In-ceiling solutions for UVC air disinfection & MERV 13 air filtration.
Complimentary ceiling design & pre-construction service.

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Every Space Can Be a Healthy Space

Explore how you can create a space with outstanding IEQ, starting at the ceiling, when you choose sustainable, healthy building solutions.

From Inspiration to Installation
