What are Phase Change Materials?
A Phase Change Material (PCM) is a substance which releases or absorbs energy at phase transition to provide useful heat or cooling.
TEMPLOK Ceilings use safe and proven phase change material (consisting of a water and salt solution) that solidifies and dissolves as it changes phase.
TEMPLOK Ceilings with advanced Phase Change Material technology are specially designed to change phase around comfortable indoor temperatures. As a building changes temperature, the PCM resists the change by absorbing or releasing heat. The temperature moderating effect can improve thermal comfort and enhance energy efficiency.
How Phase Change Material Works
PCMs are used in many applications from cooling food and drinks, to maintaining greenhouse temperatures and conditioning buildings. One area that is often overlooked within the construction industry is the ceiling plane – the large surface area is ideal for PCM placement. Learn how the phase change material technology works within TEMPLOK Energy Saving Ceilings to cool and help regulate indoor temperature passively.
PCM and Thermal Mass
Lightweight construction trends shifted to thicker and tighter wall insulation, more efficient HVAC systems and more sophisticated control systems as thermal mass is removed from buildings. Installing phase change material in the built environment adds thermal mass back into the structure at a fraction of the weight of materials such as concrete. For example, one ULTIMA TEMPLOK ceiling tile is the equivalent of 11 bricks. Each ceiling tile adds thermal mass to an interior space and incrementally improves thermal stability.
TEMPLOK ceilings offer the greatest temperature moderating effects in spaces with large temperature variations. This is typically caused by the climate or the presence of heat generating sources during the day (occupants, computers, or solar load) that dissipate during the night.
In various climates, use of PCM in spaces with high heat gains during the day, like classrooms, conference rooms, perimeter offices, and lobbies can be effective. In these settings, with intermittent heat sources, the PCM can help to stabilize temperatures hour-to-hour. This can lead to reduced HVAC cycling and excess heat recovery to keep the building warmer overnight.
One ULTIMA TEMPLOK tile adds lightweight, thermal mass equivalent to eleven bricks
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* Measured cooling energy savings in lab test. Results may vary. See TEMPLOK Technical Guide for details.